Simon is sick for the second week. Now it is pneumonia. He is on antibiotics and he has a lot of energy, but he is still sick. I have used 5 sick days of my 9 and Amber's work is giving her a hard time. What ever happened to family first? In an age where bottom dollar is the most important of all, this is truly a sad time. "Kids need nurturing and role models" is what I have heard over and over, but they left out the key element, "after money". I am VERY LUCKY to have a boss who understands the concept "family first" and TRULY owns the notion. I know I am a teacher, but come on! We are all human and when money is a driving force who looses? Family? I know we all need to work to provide, but at what point does society as a whole step in and lift the burden of greedy men who do not understand the true meaning of "FAMILY"? My son first then all else. Am I a minority? Anyone? Anyone? We have to carry our young to a safer and smarter society. Educate them young to be pasionate about what they believe, no matter what that may be. Not to be swayed by the all mighty dollar.
Rant over,
I dunno if this comment is gonna work. But I agree with you wholeheartedly. Fortunatley, half of the Kirtley parental-unit works from home and the other half makes her own schedule. However, we chose this BECAUSE of our kids. I do hope Simon feels better soon!