Mark Turner
Aug 6th 1977-Nov 20th 2009
Simon is walking with some help. He has grown so much in just a few months. On the 20th he will be one year old. I have heard many people say it goes by way too fast and now I believe they are right. This time last year I could not wait for Simon to arrive. I was very impatient and wanted everything to work on my schedule. One year later and I feel less worried about how fast things get done, just that they get done.
Earlier this month I lost a good friend while he was running. He had a heart attack as he finished the routine run close to his work. Mark Turner was 32 years of age and in the prime of his life. He served in the National Guard as an E-8. He had served one tour in Iraq and was possibly going back soon. Turner (as we called him) ran 2:50 marathons and 16 min. 5K races. This guy was crazy fast! Turner was an amazing friend and person to boot. The last run I did with him was at the Nature Center with Stokes, Turner, and me. Running with these guys was HARD. They would talk while I coughed up a lung trying to hang on.
Now that Turner is gone I still get choked up talking about him when someone asks. One thing I have learned is that there are no guarantees for tomorrow. I have to live and love every moment I get to spend with Amber and Simon. These are the things I will never regret because they are what makes me who I am. A father, husband, friend, and a teacher. I really love this life I live and feel very blessed to have made my life what it is today. Life is not what happens to us, we are what happens to life. Make it the best you can.