Monday, December 29, 2008

Things that make you go hummmm.

We waited at Simon's first Doctors appointment so he could be weighed and measured. I thought this caught the feeling we all have when we arrive at the doctors on time just to wate for afew hours because they are running late.
Simon has gained weight and is now 7 lbs. He is very healthy and strong.

Beautiful boy.

Every day Simon changes. His eyes are open more, he eats more, poops more, and smiles sometimes. I am a very proud Dad, and who would not be with such a sweet boy.

Friday, December 26, 2008

Gailey's? Eatting out? Yessssss!

YES, we are venturing out for the first time. Amber and I have fed, changed, burped, and swaddled little Simon. What does this all mean? Three hours max before the next feed and a hour before the next full diaper. Amber and I have vowed to keep "us" alive and this is the first step. Those who know us, know we love to go out and eat. I will update this post with pictures of our outing and how it all goes. Keep your fingers crossed for us. We will not need it though because Simon is the best baby ever, and training to be a cage fighter (Napoleon Dynamite).
Update: Simon was great! He did not even fuss until we got home for the feeding. I have heard spontaneity in marriage is lost when you have a baby. I concur the spontaneity is stronger because you can not plan anything. If the time is good go for it. Simon wears the diapers in this family.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008


After a few days at the hospital Simon, Amber, and I are home. Amber was worried but Simon is a trooper and took the whole experience in like a big bite of cake. He slept like an Angel (because he is one) and ate like a champ. He gave Mom and Dad the best Christmas present ever, he slept for 4 1/2 hours without a sound. Then ate from Mom for 30 min. without any trouble. Then back to sleep. I know he is only 3 days old but this is a good start. He is the best looking baby I think, but I am bias. Time for more sleep!
Doug and Fam

Sunday, December 21, 2008

The real competition!

The Man, Dr. Camejo

I have been in some tough cycling competitions. Been part of a national championship team. Won three state titles in what is know as the "Race of Truth" in cycling (time trial). I have ran half-marathons and way too many 5, 10, and 15k foot races. But compared to what I am doing right now they do not compare. I realized this after I snuck in a 2 hour nap and a shower in between helping my wife out of bed (c-section birth), feeding Baby Simon, changing diapers, and rocking little man for two hours before he went to sleep. There are the "payouts" after this competition also, a happy baby boy, wide eyed looking up at you as if to say, "You think I am happy, but I just filled my diaper and I am two seconds from rocking the cry yell". :-)

P.S. Amber is doing well and still beautiful.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Welcome......Son ;-)

Simon Monroe Greek 6lbs. 15oz. 21 inch long. Born 12/20/08 @ 1:18 a.m. Not as big as we thought.

Friday, December 19, 2008

Time to think.

I am setting here looking at the monitor that shows Amber's heart rate and BP. At the same time I am looking at my son's heart rate.I realize that at this point in my life that nothing I have done can compare to the journey I am taking right now. I have been lucky to have experience what I have up to this point, but it is so minor compared to being a DAD. I feel at this point in life I can say I am luckier than I have ever been in the past. Next post will have a photo of Simon. Have a good night, I am.

Back again! Ready! Set! Go!

We are back at the hospital. Contractions 2 min. apart 50-70 second of intense PAIN! Amber is a trooper and has endured my blogging to keep you all up to date. I hope and pray (not typical Greek) that this is our last trip to the hospital.
UP DATE: Amber is ready to go! The doctor is on the way and Simon Monroe Greek will be here soon. Amber has asked for and epidural. I still think she is the bravest woman alive, but now she is also a smart one. :-)

Sending us home?

Other than the pain nothing is going on, so they are sending us home for now. I am educated enough to know this may be a pattern for the next few hours.


The contractions are coming hard and frequent. We have arrived at the hospital, the waiting game begins. Simon will be here soon. :-)


At 2:00 am Amber started what may be thought of as "labor pains". When I looked the "labor pains" up this is what I found: "Contractions come at regular intervals and last about 30-70 seconds. As time goes on, they get closer together". It is now 4:35 am and Amber is calmly showering and brushing her hair. I want to run around, pack up, call a sub, make sure all of my "i and t" are crossed and get out of dodge. Time will tell if she is really in "LABOR". Keep posted.
Doug Out!

Thursday, December 18, 2008


We went to the doctor to find out there has been no progress. During the office visit Simon was having a field day, kicking and punching. When the doctor checked the heartbeat, Simon was 156 bpm. Normally he is 146 bpm, he must have been having some fun in there. I could even see the belly move with some of the kicks. The doctor scheduled another appointment for Monday the 22nd. This actually our due date. So it's more walking and another trip to the witch doctor for some more needles, maybe even some casteral oil to boot. SIMON COME OUT AND PLAAAAAY (Twisted Sister, 80's rock).
Doug (Dad some day) Greek

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Day two... Nothing

Well we are back from another two hour session at the Chiropractor's office. After 10 acupuncture needles and 100 + ouches from Amber. This proves Simon is in charge from now till for ever. You are all right, Simon does call the shots here at the Greek house. Maybe tomorrow or the next day or who knows. I will be glad when ever it happens.

Still Wating :-)

Simon has decided to make my schedule go haywire. Everyone tells me, "he will be here soon, on his own time". I like everything to be on time and around my laid-out schedule. This is not what Simon wants so we will see what happens on our appointment on Thursday. Until then, it's off to the happy witch doctor for some acupuncture.